Greetings in Messiah, Yeshua! My husband Mark and I wanted to thank you personally for keeping our whole family in your thoughts and prayers. More than a year has passed now and – quite miraculously – Mark’s dire diagnosis has born incredible fruit in our family.
Today, he especially wanted me to encourage you – that means helping YOU find the courage that YOU NEED.
Mark has always been my biggest cheerleader. I have watched the man I love – who almost singlehandedly funded the first decade of this ministry - endure more over this last year than I could possibly explain. He can’t work anymore, can’t drive, can’t lift, can’t preach, can’t remember words… but the Spirit of God is upon him! The deep depression has lifted and even the uncharacteristic anger has ebbed away.
THANK YOU so much for your prayers!! Let me explain. For those of you who might not know, Mark suffered a full right carotid occlusion in 2020 and then surgery on the left side blocked carotid nine months later. He has had several strokes, dozens of TIAs and even a silent heart attack. And finally, in 2021 he was diagnosed with vascular dementia, survived two bouts of COVID, and is now medically retired. So, how could Mark Greenberg’s story possibly help anybody?
Our God is amazing and He is supremely trustworthy! Trust requires COURAGE. Here is how our little family found the courage we needed…
We tried to make every event over this past year “the last” knowing that the clock was ticking. We were so bereft that we made every celebration the best it could be. But that only made the waiting harder. In fact, several of our dear friends came to visit! The love and care of people was overwhelming.
We focused on Mark's medical needs and bucket list. We booked Mark and our youngest son, Simeon, on an Alaskan Cruise! Meanwhile, I made a beeline for Dallas to secure the burial plots I knew we would need eventually. Mark has always wanted to be a Texan, after all.
Then, a miracle happened.
Mark came back from his trip completely full of HOPE! And instead of burial plots, I bought a house for Mark and I to enjoy in the Dallas area! Hear me now, God broke through to Mark’s Spirit, even beyond his physical circumstance. God is keeping us all together – and the whole family is moving forward in hope made alive in THANKFULNESS and PEACE.
God is doing a new thing – can you see it?
We got OUT of the waiting room! Our life together is now – for the living! God's provision and favor are gifts for our time on this side of eternity, not the other! Our grandchildren are joyful! Our ministry is growing! AND – Mark is seeing his legacy in the smiles of his grandchildren and the loving care of the people around him.
Somehow, in that moment of crying "How could you?", our Heavenly Father replied: "Why don’t you?’"
So, now I’m asking you on Mark’s behalf, "Why don’t you just trust in God and be outrageously courageous?”
Does waiting around, trapped by what you fear ‘your end’ might be, ever stop you from just taking the next right step? Good feelings follow good decisions. God wants to lead you on in the way you should go! Will you let Him? ‘Trust in God, trust also in me’ Yeshua said. So, how did I get so frozen-in-time?
God gives LIFE to the living! Life is a gift – every moment. But, spiritual momentum keeps us pressing on every day believing for a brighter tomorrow. Our children each shared these thoughts:
"My father's condition has been difficult to endure over the last year, but throughout it all, God's faithfulness has been a strong tower. But in the midst of the sorrow and grief, our collective resolve to see the good news of Messiah brought to families has been strengthened all the more. We are so excited to press ahead in our goals as a family, a ministry, and proclaimers of the Gospel no matter what the future holds." - Mandie
"I truly believe we are called to be the hands and feet of God. It’s is so exciting to get back out there during 2022 and get Bibles into the hands of those that need God’s word – especially little ones!" – Joseph
“The past year has tested the limits our family, however, it has not tested the limits of God’s faithfulness. We look forward to 2022 with hope, joy, and security, in ADONAI. Our God is strong and loving, this does not change and hasn’t all this time.” – Simeon
Today, my faith is stronger. Today, my husband’s heart is at peace because I AM back from the grave of grief and despair – you can believe THIS is THAT! I am about to live my best life right now – this year – in everything I do. I am not holding back. I am not endlessly waiting for my turn.
Mark is STILL spending his life investing in me and our children and our ministry, even though he's doing it from the comfort of his armchair instead of by my side. So join me on my #Biblemom safari!
The only way I know how to follow is to let God lead. So, I’ll be doing daily Proverbs, cooking on Shabbat, creating Bible art for children and teaching families how to ENJOY Biblical holidays. Everyone needs courage to believe!
Mark and I are going to be true to who we are: Followers of Messiah Yeshua, saved by grace and united for eternity. Your prayers are really working. Please keep praying and please reply because Mark would LOVE to hear from you!