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Writer's pictureDaniah Greenberg

Entering the Month of Elul: Preparing for Messiah’s Return

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

There is never a good time to make a promise you do not intend to keep.

In a world changing pandemic, I find my greatest peace in remembering that the God of the Universe is a promise keeping God.

He promises to save us when we turn to Him for help. He promises to provide a way of escape from oppression.  He promises to protect the boundary of the widow. He promises to judge the guilty and defend the innocent. He promises to bless the children of the righteous and feed the hungry with good things. He also promises to love us even if we do not know how to love him back. 

The Countdown to Messiah’s Return  

As we enter into this season of Harvest time, the upcoming fall feasts of ADONAI, the need to believe in God’s promises is indeed heightened. This 6th new moon, on August 19th 2020 starts the countdown to The Feast of Trumpets (blasting the ram’s horn) that we celebrate on the 7th.

Hearing those blasts have an order to them. 

First there is Tekiyah, the alarm to pay attention.  Then there is the Teruah, the three solemn blasts for repentance.  Then the Devarim, the nine short blasts that herald the armies of ADONAI to battle. And the last is the Tekiyah Gedula, the final trumpet that announces the arrival of our soon coming King – Messiah. 

Celebrating God’s Appointed Times

The Jewish people have been meeting in synagogues to hear these blasts, and to prepare for the great and terrible Day of The LORD, for centuries. When this 7th new moon passes, the Jewish people spend the next ‘The 10 days of Awe’ in personal reflection preparing for the Day of Atonement – a nationwide day of repentance held in prayer for forgiveness for the coming year ahead. Then three days later, we all celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, the great pilgrimage feast headquartered in Jerusalem for all to come and worship the God of Israel. This is the great feast that Yeshua offered us living water and the same appointed time prophesied in Zechariah chapter 14 and the same appointed time spoken of by John in Revelation.

Just remember, this is a yearly feast of expectation, and consummation – which is why we are all breathlessly waiting to hear ‘what will come of us now, LORD?’ amidst this season of such waiting and wondering.

For my part, let me speak shalom to you. 

Yeshua said, “Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives! Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” (John 14:27 TLV)

This harvest season is surely the toughest I have ever experienced. Year after year, we wait for God to save us. Will this be the year? Will this be the end? Will the great feast finally be ours? I do not know. We aren’t supposed to know. What God expects from His children, at this time of year – and every year – is that you trust Him to take care of you, to love you, to give you peace knowing He is not here to vex you or torture you with unrealistic expectations that leave you bereft. 

Our God is a God of hope, and HE can be trusted with your deepest sorrows and greatest dreams. He knows what you need and how to get your attention. We celebrate these holidays to REMEMBER He is real and He cares and His character does not change. 

Your Bible is not just a list of rules and regulations, but an almanac for growing Godly children and the only actual roadmap to world peace.  The Bible authentically teaches self-control, even though it has been used wrongly for centuries to justify oppression against others. I believe the best outcome we can hope for during this global pandemic is that families would turn to reading the Bible for themselves. YES! In this crucial 6th moon of waiting and watching for Messiah’s return at the 7th new moon – Rosh Hashana 2020 – what if families around the world gathered to hear the SOUND OF GOD’s VOICE – His own words in the Bible.

God is Speaking through His Feasts 

Let me encourage you, open the Bible for yourself. Read Leviticus 23 to learn about the seven Biblical feasts God appointed 3400 years ago!  Recognize that the Biblical Calendar begins on the first new moon before Passover, when the God of Israel freed His Children from slavery and called us to follow Him home. 

Our home is where ever God is both present and purposefully in our hearts, leading and guiding us through the storms of life. He is surely present for those suffering among us. He is with the grieving at the gravesite, too. He is surely present with the everyday heroes among us tending to the poor and the sick. He is surely present with the new parents giving birth both at home and in hospitals.

God is always there. 

Do not fear the deadly pestilence, just believe God is love.

Fall Feasts Preparation 

My favorite part of getting ready for the fall feasts every year, for more than 30 years now, is the God ordained permission to expect Messiah to come, to get clean through corporate repentance and to celebrate the Harvest of good things in my life for a whole week with friends and family.  But, even beyond that, I LOVE starting my Bible reading in Genesis 1:1 all over again the following week knowing that Revelation is NOT THE END of the Bible, just an invitation to begin again in Genesis.

Read Deuteronomy 29:28 and remember that EVERYTHING in the Bible must be confirmed by two witnesses – heaven and earth. And as long as the earth is real, so is heaven. Remember to trust God’s promises. 

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