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Writer's pictureJoseph Greenberg

First Fruits Offering: How Declaration Multiplies the Value of Increase

This year’s countdown to God’s increase in our lives is especially exciting!

 Have you been praying about where you want to sow your First Fruits offering this weekend?  What seed has God given you to sow this year?  

We are only four days away from the celebration of “The Feast of Weeks,” which is commonly celebrated by God-fearers as Pentecost. God has been answering so many of my personal prayers for my loved ones that I felt assertively challenged by God to encourage you! Amen and amen, I tell you, God is sincerely longing to bless you with abundant love and shalom. Allow me to help you to see!

This is the offering prayer our family has been saying together, week after week, for more than two decades. This is ‘how’ we give gifts to God and make a declaration with great courage! We call this: “Let’s Rejoice in our Inheritance!”

Just as Abraham our father gave willingly a tithe of his spoils to Malki-Tzedek (“My King is Righteous,”) after Your victory in his life, we bring now our offerings unto You, ADONAI. (Genesis 14:18-20)

We give thankfully, ADONAI, for Your word says that You supply all of our needs according to Your riches in glory! (Phillipians 4:19)

We give joyfully, ADONAI, for Your Word says You love a cheerful giver! (2 Corinthians 9:6 & 7)

We give expectantly, ADONAI, for Your Word says we cannot out-give You! (Malachai 3:10)

We give graciously, ADONAI, for Your Word says we will have more than enough to give away! (2 Chronicles 31:10)

As we plant into Your kingdom, ADONAI, we are believing that You will enlarge the harvest of our righteousness by increasing our finances, decreasing our bills, and providing us with new and unexpected sources of income and provision.  (Luke 6:38)

As we continue to lift up the Name of Yeshua the Messiah in our lives, we are believing that You will increase our community’s prophetic declaration of His Lordship to both the Jews and ALL the Nations, in our hometown and throughout the whole earth! (John 12:32 & Ephesians 2:14)

We believe it is Your heart’s desire to bless us, ADONAI! Thank You for the victory in our lives! (Psalm 20 & Deuteronomy 28)

As we come forward now, please accept this wave offering today in Yeshua’s Name.

Amen and amen, Yeshua is our Risen Savior, sent by God, The Father.

Now, allow me to share a valuable secret. I have often said that failure is easier to manage than success. Failure is a sound and gentle teacher when you know God loves to forgive you.

Remember, Yeshua’s obedience unto sacrifice did NOT look victorious while it was happening. I know personally, this is a truth that eludes even the most seasoned folks who follow the God of Israel. And, trust me that I do NOT understand exactly what makes God act in one situation and seemingly not act in another. He really is unsearchable. 

What I am convinced of though, is that God is creatively multiplying all around us, all the time, with the power of His love moving on the earth. I have come to understand that when He blesses, He increases your capacity to grow beyond your currency – which makes me think of current, see? That’s right, the current thing that blocks you from ‘seeing’ the hand of God moving in your life in this moment is where the battle for faith is won or lost.

Believing God is WITH YOU and wants to move you above the circumstances into the loftier insights you need to move forward with confidence – is critical.  According to the Bible, courage is a blessing for the righteous, the obedient, the faithful. Conversely, timidity is actually the fruit of disobedience, and it holds you back and discourages others, a dreadful loss. 

The value of His active presence in your life cannot be created or controlled by you, only stopped by you’re the limitations of your free will. Growing, physically and spiritually, is solely God’s providence, His design. He is the only one who creates alone. He provides seed for the sower, and He is the One who causes your seed to grow. Seed has only the potential to bring forth fruitfulness, so be sure to watch for what fruit grows to see if you have indeed learned to sow wisely.  

This seven weeks of EXPECTANCY are designed by God to bless you – so you can BE A BLESSING – like He promised to Abram who grew to become Abraham.

Please keep the Tree of Life Bible Society in your thoughts and prayers as you feel led to give this season.

And, BY ALL MEANS, thank God for the increase! He alone is worthy of all praise and glory and honor forever and ever, from beginning to end, amen and amen!

May God Richly bless your First Fruits offerings this year, my friends!

Love and blessings, Daniah Greenberg

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