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Writer's pictureDaniah Greenberg

Pause, Breathe, and Enjoy the Harvest all Around You

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

Heaven touches earth.  Heaven and earth are the two witnesses.  God asks us to choose life – everyday.  Every choice, every hateful word, every hair on my head is counted by God.  

I choose to believe He created me to enjoy this life.  I have chosen to serve God.  That choice is a choice I choose every day – sometimes every moment.  I choose the fear of ADONAI to be my safe harbor, my sacred space, my everlasting promise of hope for the future.

My beloved and I are preparing to see our youngest son choose to receive his bride later this month.  I am looking back stunned at the unimaginable joy that I feel knowing that he has found his beloved.  She is lovely, gracious, sparkly and endlessly witty.  But, none of that compares to the passion I see in her eyes for my son.  To begin life anew – with a love that is real – can sustain you for a lifetime of challenges.  But, to have passion for God and share yourself body, soul and spirit with my man is the greatest joy I have ever known.  Nothing compares to that – and I am so very thankful for my husband – every day.

Our passion drives us, renews us, inspires us and refreshes us.  Passion without God is just an endless battle for ‘who’s on top.’  Marriage is not about that.  Marriage is the covenant bond to forever love your ‘one’ where laying down your life for one ‘another’ is a gift to your Creator.  Marriage is a sacred trust, a holy bond.

The only way I know to really explain this ‘oneness’ of our binary love is to watch myself breathe.  Are you holding your breath?  Do you live life waiting for the other shoe to drop – worried and frustrated?  Well I don’t anymore.  I made that choice.  And I still have to make that same choice – everyday.

After 31 years of marriage, I still love laying next to my husband and breathing near him.  I like to pray as I match his breathing, purposefully.  I can feel him near when I pray.  Oh how I love him.  

When I think about the joy awaiting my youngest son, I know he is full of love for this new life God is preparing him for.  This fullness of time is the homestretch for Mark and I.  I can see the harvest all around us – and I know that the same God that has been faithful to Mark and I will be faithful to all of our children.  

Every argument – with God near – can be resolved peaceably.   Every prayer – with God near – can be realized willingly.   Every pain – with God near – can be released eternally.   Every joy – with God near – can last eternally.  

There is nothing impossible for God – including having a lifelong love that is connected by His awesome ‘ladder.’ I am convinced that Jacob’s Ladder – the connection between heaven and earth is the DNA that binds us together as man and wife.  Thank you God for giving us three beautiful children to love.  

This Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for God loving me enough to reinvent my family tree – and blessing my children with love.  Now they get to walk the journey of discovering all the treasures locked inside them as the grow together and create more of God’s love on the earth.  Love brings order to the universe.  From shalom to shalom, the truth of God’s love brings faith into being. Thank you God. 

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